1º Why do I need a generator set?
There are three mains reasons why home ownwers or industrials businesses needs a genset:
- No mains electricity is available
- There is insufficient power from the mains supply to meet requirements
- To protect against the possibility of periodic or sustained loss of mains power, which can cause such things as economics loss, loss of power, loss of lighting, loss of life support equipment, loss of production, loss of data storage and loss of products, livestock or even human life.
2º What type of generator set do I need?
The type of genset that you need will vary depending on waht it is required to power, where it will be installed and whether it is need to run continuosly or only when there is a power outage. To stablish what type of generator is most suitable for your needs contact ours experts who will be able to size and quote for your requirements.
3º How do I know what size of generator set need to purchase for my premises?
The size of the genset required for your needs will depend on a number of individual factors. To ensure that your generator set is correctly sized you should contact us for a make an appointment to come out and help you identify the KVA or wattage rating for all the equipment and appliances on your premisses taht would be required by the generator. That will enable us to provide you with details of the exact size and type of genset that is most suitable for your needs.
3º What are the standard components on an generator set.
All gensets are made up of a number of a different parts. The following are the main components which are standard on the most machines.
- Engine
- Control Panel

- Base Frame
- Fuel Tank
- Circuit Braker
- Guards
- Cooling System
4º What do I need to know when installing a generator set?
- First you will need to decide where you will place the generator set. This will a place whit adequate access and lighting for service and maintenance purposes.
- Mounting generator. Sets should be mounted on a level base and use anti-vibration mounts when necessary.
- Ventilation and Cooling. it is important to make sure that there is enough ventilation to help keep the generator cool and to remove excess fumes and heat produced through engine combustion.
- Fuel System. It will be necessary to consider how you will refuel your generator. Several refuelling options are available from manuals pumps to fully automatic systems.
5º How does a generator set work with the mains electricity supply?
Constant mains electricity is supplied in to premises via electrical cabling. When this main electricity is disrupted due to power failures, a signal is sent from the transfer switch to the generator set which then starts up and sends generated electricity back into the premises. When the mains supply is restored the transfer switch blocks the power from the generating set and reverts back to the main supply.